IABG Whistleblower System


Sometimes it is not possible or appropriate to report violations of laws, policies or the IABG Code of Conduct through personal contacts.

IABG therefore offers both employees and external parties a communication channel for reporting known or suspected violations or concerns, regardless of whether they occur at IABG or within our supply chain. The IABG whistleblower system is operated by an external provider, LegalTegrity GmbH, and is available around the clock, 365 days a year. Reports can be submitted online or by telephone in various languages.

IABG does not have access to your IP address in the whistleblower system. All reports are treated at least confidentially, anonymously if desired. All concerns are taken seriously and investigated accordingly. IABG confidential counsellors, who have been explicitly bound to confidentiality, receive the reports via the IABG reporting office of LegalTegrity and arrange for further processing, if necessary the taking of remedial or preventive measures and feedback via the LegalTegrity whistleblower system to the whistleblower - always while maintaining confidentiality.

In no case does the whistleblower (gn) have to expect reprisals, discrimination or other disadvantages. In return, we expect that only information relating to offences with reasonable grounds for suspicion will be reported. We assume that the whistleblower will handle the IABG whistleblower system responsibly and only pass on information that the whistleblower is convinced to the best of their knowledge and belief is correct. Knowingly false information may be punished with criminal or labour law measures.


You can reach our whistleblower system at the following Internet address:

Whistleblower System